Guaranteed Ride Program
![Responsive Image](/documents/15370512/15388678/grp-2.jpg/6d54b876-343a-ac7e-ced7-a36f73cd171d?t=1649875556626&download=true)
Rideshare members who work full time and regularly commute by carpool, vanpool, public transit, walking or biking are eligible for the free Guaranteed Ride Program (GRP). When you need to leave work unexpectedly, and can’t use your regular mode of commute, we’ll get you to your destination by Lyft, Uber, taxi or public transit—up to $300 in total ride credits a year.*
*Limitation apply.
Contact us to register for the Guaranteed Ride Program or see if you qualify!
GRP by Region
The GRP operates differently in different regions around the state. Select the region of your work location below to learn more. Work location not listed yet? Check back soon, we are implementing GRP across the state!
Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady Counties
Bronx, Kings, New York, Richmond, Queens Counties
Nassau and Suffolk Counties
Orange, Dutchess, Columbia, Ulster, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam County, and valid monthly UniTicket Holders
Erie and Niagara Counties