Return-to-Work Resources for Individuals and Employers
Our team of experts can assist you in maintaining a productive telework environment, discovering sustainable ways to get around, navigating a return to the office strategy, or implementing a hybrid work plan.
Hybrid Work Models
As New York continues to reopen, more and more employers and worksites are implementing hybrid (part remote, part in-person) models for their offices. There are countless ways to implement a hybrid workplace, and our team is here to help you establish which way is best for your employees.
Types of Hybrid Models:
- Remote first: Company functions mainly remotely - continuing to default to online communication, but maintains office space for collaboration or employees that need to be in an office.
- Office-occasional: Employees go to the office a few times a week. This model can be as loose (employees go to the office when it's convenient for them) or firm (employee must be in the office every Monday) depending on the companies' needs.
- Office-first, remote allowed: Similar to many companies' policies before COVID, this model has most employees return to the office but offers a remote work policy.
- Flexible scheduling: For organizations returning to the office full-time or occasionally, offering flexible scheduling is a great way to ensure coverage, improve employee retention, and reduce your carbon footprint.
- Time flex - Employees decide what hours work best for them (i.e. 7 am - 3 pm or 10 am - 6 pm) means less stress for the employee, AND less rush hour traffic and transit congestion!
- Day flex - Allowing employees to work shorter weeks, or have flexibility in their workdays has been proven to improve employee retention. This can look many different ways: a 4-day work week (employees work 10 hours a day), flexible Fridays where employees work only every other Friday, and countless other options.
More Reading:
- The Incredible Disappearing Return-to-Office Plans - Bloomberg
- How To Sustain Company Culture In A Hybrid Work Model - Forbes
- Making The Hybrid Workplace Fair - Harvard Business Review
- These Companies Were Hybrid Before The Pandemic - Here's How They Make It Work - CNN Business
- Hybrid Office Remote Work - Citigroup - Ford - Target - Washington Post
- Facebook Will Allow Nearly All Employees To Work Remotely Post-Pandemic - Forbes
Tips & Tools for Remote Work

While some employees are returning to offices, others will continue working from home permanently. 511NY Rideshare telework experts have compiled advice, guidance, and resources for managers and individuals on our telework page to help you keep remote work productive and enjoyable, and avoid burnout.
Join our community of new and seasoned teleworkers on social media:
Travel and Transit Updates
Before traveling or taking public transit, check the transit providers in your area by going to the 511NY Rideshare Regional Resources page and clicking on your county.