Advocate for Clean Air NY

Stories from Clean Air NY Advocates

"Having good air quality means a better future for
all of us."

Rachel, Clean Air NY Advocate

Clean Air NY Advocate, Brian B. on biking:

"I ride my bike because it's the best transportation option for my mental and physical well-being."

Clean Air NY Advocate, Stuart M. on walking to the bus:

I've been taking the bus to and from work after many years of driving. In addition to helping to preserve the environment, I've also managed to lose 8 pounds by getting regular exercise walking over a mile each way to and from the bus stop!

"I carpool with my husband. We get to spend time together and save money and time. Keeping our CO2 emissions low is the icing on the cake."

Laura D., Clean Air NY Advocate

Clean Air NY Advocate, Ellen W. on taking the train:

"Commuting on the Long Island Rail Road helps the environment and is faster and more peaceful than driving. I have a comfortable seat every day - it's where I finished writing my doctoral dissertation!"

See more Clean Air NY Advocates and partners on our Facebook page.

Submit Your Story

Story Submission Criteria

A photo that depicts something you did to improve air quality. Make sure you are maintaining proper social distancing and following local regulations. Example images:
  • a selfie of you on a bike 
  • a picture of your view out the train window
  • a selfie of you walking further instead of idling
  • a picture you are filling up your gas tank after dark

Tell us about your Clean Air NY action, or why improving air quality is important to you. For example:

  • “Having good air quality means a better future for all of us.”
  • “This is a photo of my working-from-home set up."
  • “I learned to refill my gas tank after work from Clean Air NY, and have made it a habit.”
  • “Air quality is important to me because I have a young child with asthma. Here is a picture of her turning down the thermostat. I always try to teach her that her actions matter.”
To become a Clean Air NY Advocate, submit a photo and a story about you participating in a "Clean Air Action." You'll also receive air quality updates.
If you are not already a Clean Air NY or 511NY Rideshare member, you will receive a welcome email with steps to activate your account.