Property Managers
511NY Rideshare partners with residential property managers of public or private multifamily housing to help them expand their property’s on-site transportation amenities and/or achieve transportation-related certifications (e.g., LEED, Climate Smart communities, or other local programs).

No-Cost Programs
The 511NY Rideshare team is here to help you improve transportation amenities at your property.
Join the program and gain access to no-cost services including:
- Installation of a lobby kiosk that displays a custom mobility website
- Assistance with transportation-related certifications (e.g. LEED, Climate Smart Communities, or other local programs)
- A customized 511NY Rideshare landing page with transportation resources for residents
- Materials for your new tenant packets with information about transportation options
- Development of a customized resident survey to learn about your residents’ transportation habits and needs.

Benefits to Property Managers
Working with 511NY Rideshare to offer transportation amenities can help to:
- Make your property more competitive and appealing to potential tenants
- Maintain or improve satisfaction of current tenants
- Improve quality of life in the neighborhood
- Support economic stability and access to jobs for tenants
- Contribute to statewide efforts to reach climate and equity goals

Property Manager Guidebook
Are you wondering which transportation amenities may best suit your property and tenants? Download the Property Manager Guidebook for resources and tips to help you get started.
The guidebook includes a menu of transportation amenities in three main categories:
- Physical Facilities: Improve infrastructure and facilities to support tenants’ use of non-driving modes.
- Policies: Establish policies that support and encourage the use of transportation options.
- Promotion and Events: Inform tenants about what’s already available to them.