September is a great month to celebrate sustainable transportation with various events such as Car Free Day, Climate Week, Drive Electric Week, and Mobility Week. For those looking for sustainable commute alternatives, 511NY Rideshare offers several commute options, including carpooling, vanpooling, public transportation, bicycling, walking, and telework.

Car Free Day
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Car Free Day is an international event that encourages people to explore alternative modes of transportation, such as biking, walking, or taking public transit, instead of relying on cars.
Ways to participate and get involved:
  • Carpool with a co-worker
  • Enjoy the fall weather and bicycle or walk
  • Take public transit
  • Host a virtual or in-person workshop

Climate Week
September 22 – 29, 2024

A global event showcasing actions that governments, businesses, and individuals are taking to tackle the climate crisis and accelerate the transition to a net-zero future. Climate Week features hundreds of events across different sectors and themes, such as clean energy, circular economy, and nature-based solutions.

How to make a difference
  • Commit to taking more sustainable modes of transportation during the week
  • Communicate to your network on social media how you are observing Climate Week
  • Provide educational resources to our organization
  • Host an in-person or virtual workshop

Drive Electric Week
September 27 – October 6, 2024

A nationwide celebration that raises awareness of the advantages of driving electric vehicles, such as saving money, reducing emissions, and improving performance. Drive Electric Week features local events where you can see, test, and learn about electric vehicles (EVs).

Ways to learn more and experience EVs
  • Rent an electric bike or scooter
  • Learn about electrifying your fleet or commercial vehicles
  • Educate yourself on the benefits of driving an EVso 
  • Host a virtual or in-person workshop

Mobility Week
September 16 – 22, 2024

Mobility Week aims to raise awareness about sustainable and convenient movement within cities. Throughout the week, communities work to promote behavior changes and inspire the use of public transport, active mobility, and other clean, smart transportation options.

How to take part in your community
  • Take public transit
  • Host a community celebration
  • Host a virtual or in-person workshops