Contact SUNY Brockport Parking & Transportation

Please get in touch with the SUNY Brockport Parking & Transportation Services if you have questions about transportation and parking programs.

Location: Conrad Welcome Center from 7:45am to 3:30pm

Phone: (585) 395-PARK


Fax: (585) 395-2405

Contact 511NY Rideshare

If you have questions about 511NY Rideshare tools, services, or your member profile, please use the contact information below.

Send us an Email

or click "Chat now" in the bottom right corner to chat with one of our team members.

Give us a call

866-NY-COMMUTE (1.866.692.6668)

Our Member Support Team is available every weekday except for Federal Holidays.

Monday - Friday - 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM

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