What is Analytics Sandbox?
The Mobility Analytics Sandbox, as a whole, guarantees that data can reach (authorized analysts) where it is required. The main purpose here is to draw intelligence and insights from the big data that is being collected in an ever-increasing Variety, Volume, and Velocity (3Vs). Through the mobility analytics sandbox NYSDOT partners can:
- Perform data integration and fusion to combine the variety of transportation-related data sources to learn more about a specific event via an all-inclusive approach.
- Explore data through the means of use-case development. Partners can utilize the readily available use cases or custom develop additional use cases in conjuncture with the NYSDOT team.
- Apply machine learning technologies and big data analytics to assess and evaluate the data based on their needs.
The Mobility Analytics Sandbox core, data lake, offers a centralized data storage capacity to ingest and manage structured and unstructured mobility-related datasets. The Data Lake main purpose is not only to store data but to preserve data security and privacy, evaluate datasets, and provide recommendations and insights into the datasets weaknesses and strengths. The overarching goal of the data lake is to enable NYSDOT partners to access the transportation related data they require for their day-to-day needs.