Census Transportation and Population Data


The datasets provided below consolidate publicly-available information from a variety of Census Bureau data products, including American Community Survey (ACS), ACS Commuter, and Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP). For example, the datasets include information about population ages, worker counts, access to vehicles, and commute modes. They have are provided here, filtered to only New York State and at a variety of geographic scales relevant for transportation planning, to help facilitate broader access by NYSDOT and its partners. Together, these datasets provide a more complete picture of commuting behaviors and population characteristics at the County, Census Tract (approximately 4,000 people in each), and Census Block (smallest level of available Census data) levels.

The American Community Survey (ACS) is a companion survey to the decennial census, which helps to identify trends in demographics between census years through surveys of a sample of American residents. LODES data uses Unemployment Insurance earnings data, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) provided by state governments along with ACS data to create statistics and spatial information on employment, jobs, and job commute flow. ACS Commuter data indicates where people work, when their trip starts, how they get there, and how long it takes. CTPP data are a special spatial tabulation of this same data that describes worker demographics, residences, workplaces and flows from the home to work at a more granular level.

Data Format: 

All datasets are provided in both Esri file geodatabase format and as a comma separated value (CSV) file. Geodatabases can be opened in GIS software and CSVs can be opened in Excel. 

Update Frequency: 

Updated data for the surveys used here are released annually by the Census Bureau. However, irregularities caused by COVID-19 resulted in a delay of the 2020 dataset. As a result, datasets provided here are as of 2019, but will be updated once new data are released (currently planned for March 2022). 

Data Timeframe: 

ACS data are based on 5-Year survey results, which aggregate survey responses over the five year period prior to release. 

Data Access: Public

Access the data through the following links at either the County, Census Tract, or Census Block level. 

Esri File Geodatabase CSV Metadata
Census County Level GDB County Level Census CSV County Level Metadata
Census Tract Level GDB Tract Level Census CSV Tract Level Metadata
Census Block Level GDB (Long Island) Block Level CSV (Long Island) Block Level Metadata


Data Dictionary or Metadata: 

Use table links above to access metadata specific to various datasets.