Bottleneck Analyses Using LBS Data

This data exploration showcases potential applications of Location-Based Service (LBS) data for enhancing understanding of travel behavior and roadway congestion. LBS data are anonymized signal data collected from cell phones at frequent intervals (as often as every few seconds) and provided by third-party service providers in raw or processed form.



In the case of Clearview Expressway, the analysis can help understand the proportions of vehicles that are local commuters, versus those that begin or end trips much farther away. The LBS data also help capture trips from neighboring states and help to understand common travel patterns (similar origins and destinations) that would otherwise be hard to identify through traditional vehicle counts on roadway segments.



This data exploration provides value to NYS main office and regions’ transportation engineers and planners and to researchers.



The exploration only focused on the Clearview Expressway Corridor in NYSDOT Region 11, however, the sample data and methodology developed could be applied for any road segment in NYS.



Raw LBS data from Gravy is a 3-month sample, from 4/23/21 to 7/23/21.



Raw LBS data are not currently being updated.



This use case is publicly available and can be accessed via:

Using Gravy data:

Using StreetLight data: