Exploring Waze Alert Data in Tableau

This use case is not a final product but provides a test case where individuals could quickly explore Waze data fields and coverage. The overarching goal of this use case was to showcase Waze alert data capabilities in the Analytics Sandbox website tailored to a small group of NYSDOT staff. 


The possible audience for this use case includes NYSDOT main office and NYS regions transportation planners and engineers, TMC operators. 


This use case covers only NYS region 11. 


The application includes Waze data for the period of one week: from 9/1/2021 to 9/8/2021.


This application was intended as a test case thus the data nor the application will not be updated further. 


The data exploration is publicly available and can be accessed through the NYSDOT analytics Sandbox website: https://511nyrideshare.org/fi/web/analytics-sandbox-for-emerging-mobility-data-sources/waze-data

Web application 

The following data exploration aims to prototype a geospatial visualization of the Waze alert data geofenced to the NYS region 11. Using the Tableau visualizations, users can explore various types of Waze alert data for the period of one week (9/1/2021 to 9/8/2021).

Using the scrollbar, the alert data can be custom-tailored to a specific day and reliability level. The supporting bar chart also represents the count of traffic incidents by day and hour.