OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world that is free to use under an open license. Map data includes network data and points of interest. OSM content is crowdsourced, so it can be added to and edited by anybody. OSM is increasingly being recognized as a valuable source for data on the natural and built environment, including transportation infrastructure. OSM features can be used to supplement existing understanding and datasets for transportation infrastructure including roads, bridges, and bike/pedestrian paths. It can also be used as a suitable street network to snap or align other point or line features to. The OSM datasets below are generated directly from OSM's database on a daily basis and have been filtered to New York State and separated out by relevant feature type to enhance ease of use.
Data Format:
Update Frequency:
Daily (shapefiles are updated on an as-needed basis)
Data Timeframe:
Varies significantly depending on where features are located (ostensibly could go back to OSM inception time of 2004)
Data Access:Public
The feature datasets listed below are publicly available through the following links:
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